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Opportunity Knocks

Opportunity Knocks provides a venue for chapters to raise funds for their local members. To participate, the chapter creates a “basket” of needlework-related items that will incentivize Seminar attendees to purchase opportunity tickets. The items can be hand-stitched ornaments, beaded items, a collection of charts, fibers, and canvases, needlework accessories – the sky is the limit Just keep in mind that the more attractive your basket and its contents are, the more people will enter to win your chapter’s goodies.


It’s simple to participate. Just follow these easy steps:

  • Email Marcie Zeigler, Opportunity Knocks chair at to let her know your chapter is bringing a basket.

  • Deliver your basket to the designated meeting room at the hotel on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 between 5-6 p.m.

  • Sit back and watch the ticket total grow!


Tickets are purchased by Seminar attendees for $1.00 each. The purchaser places their tickets into the containers assigned to each basket that they would like to win.  The winners of the baskets will be announced at the banquet on Friday evening, June 14, 2024. Winners do not need to be present at the banquet to win, but someone must pick up the basket for them.


ALL of the money collected goes back to the participating chapters. Checks will be mailed to the chapters following the close of Seminar.


Check the Schedule of Events for the open hours for the Opportunity Knocks room.

Questions? Email

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