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Special Saturday Classes

Here’s your opportunity to learn a new needlework skill! Each of these classes has been selected for beginners (although experienced stitchers would enjoy them as well). The special cost for any one of these classes is just $100.00 and includes:

  • Class fee (4.5 hours of class time)

  • Kit with all materials

  • Luncheon

  • Registration and commuter fees are waived!


Anyone is welcome to register for one of these special classes. You do not have to be a member of EGA (although we hope you will consider joining!) and you do not have to stay in the Seminar hotel. Please note that your registration fee is non-refundable.

Special Saturday Class 601: Emma Doll with her Summer Outfit

Teacher: Jan Faubion

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Emma is a 13 ¼” doll stitched on 7 count plastic canvas in cross stitch. She is dressed in her swimsuit and sandals, and is accessorized with her pail and shovel. Learn the basics cross stitch and other easy stitches while creating this cute little project. Stitches used are half cross (or tent stitch), overcast stitch, long stitch, and backstitch. There will be a choice of hair and eye color. Information will be available for stitching 11 more outfits for Emma.

Kit contents:

  • Precut doll form and enough plastic canvas for clothes and accessories

  • Acrylic yarn

  • Buttons

  • Needle

  • Patterns

Student supplies:

  • Scissors for cutting yarn

  • Scissors for cutting soft plastic canvas

  • Battery powered lighting and magnification, if needed

Technique: Cross stitch on plastic canvas

Design area: approx. 8” tall

Proficiency level: Basic

Pre-work: None

Special Saturday Class 602: Embroidered Heart Sampler Pin Cushion

Teacher: Karen Hamilton

Take a simple heart outline, fill it with fun embroidery stitches, and end up with a lovely, primitive pin cushion or hoop art piece! Learn nine (9) surface embroidery stitches while filling your heart with whimsical motifs. Easy finishing instructions are included.

Kit contents:

  • Complete instructions, including finishing guide

  • Fabric for embroidered heart and pin cushion

  • Thread

  • #4 crewel needle

  • 5” embroidery hoop

  • Batting

  • 4 small buttons

Student supplies:

  • Scissors for cutting thread

  • Battery powered lighting and magnification, if needed

Technique: Surface embroidery

Design area: 3-1/2”x3-1/2”

Proficiency level: Basic

Pre-work: None

Special Saturday Class 603: Mesh Project Bag

Teacher: Gayle Anderson, Fancy Stitches, Cleburne, TX


Personalize this handy mesh project bag with a festive cross stitch design! Create a beautiful stitched zipper bag that will be useful for y to come.

Kit contents:

  • Instructions

  • Perle cottons

  • Mesh project bag

Student supplies:

  • Scissors for cutting thread

  • Battery powered lighting and magnification, if needed

Technique: Cross stitch

Design area: 15-3/4”x10-1/2” (size of bag)

Proficiency level: Basic

Pre-work: None

Special Saturday Class 604: Introduction to Florentine/Bargello

Teacher: Marcia Buckingham

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This class will cover the history of Florentine/Bargello work and look at examples of traditional patterns and contemporary adaptations.  We will talk about how to pick fibers and stitch a Bargello pattern, followed by stitching the Heart and Diamond pattern.

Kit contents:

  • 18 count canvas mounted on stretcher bars

  • Vineyard Silk and Neon Rays+ threads

  • #22 needle

  • Instructions

Student supplies:

  • Scissors

  • Battery powered lighting and magnification, if needed

Technique: Bargello on canvas

Design area: 4.5”x4.5”

Proficiency level: Basic

Pre-work: None

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